Eliezer David Becker (Buhbut)
Was born in Argentina and grew up in the Shuva Yisroel Congregation in Buenos Aires.
He studied in the Ateret Yisroel Yeshiva in Jerusalem for seven years.
He then studied rabbinical studies in the Kollels in Jerusalem and was awarded the rabbinical degree from the Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi Shlomo Amar and other rabbis.
Eliezer has a certificate for Shochet (Kosher slaughterer) and Inspector, of chickens and big and small animals, from the head Shochet in Jerusalem Rabbi Sasson Graidy who was the Chazan (Leader of prayers) and Baal Kore (Torah Reader) in the David Hamelech synagogue in Jerusalem and the Keter Eliyahu Synagogue in Givat Shaul, Jerusalem.
He has been a teacher in the Talmud Torah Mesilas Yesharim School in Jerusalem and arrived in Miami two years ago where he has been teaching in the Talmud Torah Or Yechezkel School in Aventura. In addition He gives Torah lectures to adults in the Netivai Ezra Synagogue in Aventura.
Rabbi David Beker - 718.316.7485